People's Media - Newscham


Taean covered with dead-shadow

A rally denouncing Samsung and calling for a special bill

On 18th Jan., A rally denouncing Samsung and calling for a special bill was held.

Taean residents from 6 area expressed anger against irresposible Samsung and inability of the government. Samsung didn't apologized and the government didn't take any measure to counter the accident.

While the rally, a man working in the seafood distribution jobs tried to burn himself.

Taean is in a desperate situation which make the suicide understandable
Real editing time : January 19, 2008
Registration : February 5, 2008

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producing info

  • producing : People's Media Chamsesang
  • filming : An Boyoung
  • editing : An Boyoung
  • english subtitle : Byun Jeongpil, Ahn Boyoung
  • screening hour : 04' 37"

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