People's Media - Newscham


People resisted using ladders against the bus-blockage

At 4:30 pm. Participants started march to the main street of Seoul. Police, however, blocked people using bus-barricade.

In a sudden a ladder came up. Workers, farmers and students start to go up the buses. In the meantime, police provoke peoples with water-cannon and fire extinguishers. Demonstrators resisted against the aggressive violence from police.

Reminding us of mass uprising in 1991, the street was full of desires to keep peoples' livelihood.
Real editing time : November 11, 2007
Registration : November 23, 2007

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producing info

  • producing : People's Media Chamsesang
  • filming : Jo Jungmin
  • editing : Jo Jungmin
  • english subtitle : Byun Jeongpil, Youn Donhwi
  • screening hour : 03' 40"

Korean Privacy Report 2007-2008(1)

Police kicking and beating demonstrators

Mass movement halts the neo-liberal bulldozer

Police assault on demonstrators with water canons, shields and sticks