제목 [53회] song of bangladesh - joan baez
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작성일 2003년 04월 22일 06시 53분 12초

song of bangladesh
방글라데시의 노래

written by joan baez
joan baez, [come from the shadows] (1972) 수록

[가사해석] 출처 : http://cgi.chollian.net/~jmhoney/technote/read.cgi?

Bangladesh, Bangladesh
Bangladesh, Bangladesh
When the sun sinks in the west
Die a million people of the Bangladesh
해가 서편에 질 때
수백만의 방글라데시 사람들은 죽습니다.

The story of Bangladesh
Is an ancient one again made fresh
By blind men who carry out commands
Which flow out of the laws upon which nation stands
Which is to sacrifice a people for a land
방글라데시에 대한 이야기는
'국가가 의존하는 법률로부터 나오며,
사람들로 하여금 조국을 위해 몸바칠 것을 강요하는'
지배를 수행하는 눈먼 사람들에 의해
다시금 새롭게 만들어지는 구닥다리입니다.

Bangladesh, Bangladesh
Bangladesh, Bangladesh
When the sun sinks in the west
Die a million people of the Bangladesh

Once again we stand aside
And watch the families crucified
See a teenage mother's vacant eyes
As she watches her feeble baby try
To fight the monsoon rains and the cholera flies
한 발 떨어져.
고통 받는 가족들을 보십시오.
몬순과 콜레라 파리와 싸우는 연약한 아이를 바라보는.
십대 어머니의 공허한 눈을 보십시오.

And the students at the university
Asleep at night quite peacefully
The soldiers came and shot them in their beds
And terror took the dorm awakening shrieks of dread
And silent frozen forms and pillows drenched in red
그리고 대학에서 평화롭게 잠든 학생들을 보십시오.
군인들이 다가와 그들을 총으로 살육하고.
공포가 비명 속에 기숙사를 깨우며.
죽임을 당해 움직이지 않는 차가운 몸뚱아리와 베게는 피로 물들어 갑니다.

Bangladesh, Bangladesh
Bangladesh, Bangladesh
When the sun sinks in the west
Die a million people of the Bangladesh

Did you read about the army officer's plea
For donor's blood? It was given willingly
By boys who took the needles in their veins
And from their bodies every drop of blood was drained
No time to comprehend and there was little pain
기증자의 피에 대한 군기관의 변명을 읽어 보았습니까?
그 피는 그들의 정맥 속에 바늘을 받아들인 소년들에 의해 기꺼이 기증되었습니다.
그들의 몸엔 단 한 방울의 피도 남지 않았고.
깨달은 시간도. 고통도 없었습니다.

And so the story of Bangladesh
Is an ancient one again made fresh
By all who carry out commands
Which flow out of the laws upon which nations stand
Which say to sacrifice a people for a land

Bangladesh, Bangladesh
Bangladesh, Bangladesh
When the sun sinks in the west
Die a million people of the Bangladesh

Additional musicians: Stuart Basore, David Briggs, Kenneth Buttrey, Grady Martin, Charlie McCoy, Farrell Morris, Welldon Myrick, Norbert Putnam, Glen Spreen, Pete Wade, John Buck Wilkin

Produced by: Joan Baez
Co-produced by: Norbert Putnam

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